It’s funny that every once in awhile a new or semi-new floater will have some kind of life epiphany after a good floatation therapy session. It’s not unusual for someone who had been afraid of taking risks, or trying new things will exit the float tank willing to open up and make long overdue changes in their life. Or even the remarkable 1st time floater, who is both afraid of the dark and the water, exits the tank after having a great float and overcomes their own fears.
I know rare people who, after just a single float decided to leave their longtime lucrative career and start something entirely new, focusing around quality of life rather then simply the path of the almighty dollar. Just one float!?!
Bad economy, what if, should have, could have, we all at times find a way to … for lack of a better term, get our head stuck up our butt. Simply over thinking too many options in life, or not allowing ourselves to sort things out in a rational positive manner. Stop, be grateful and enjoy what’s around us, clear your head, and follow your path. Oops, so easy to forget.
Yep the last few weeks I have needed a float to break a grumpy unsettling moment, exiting the tank really happy and with a clear head, ready to be productive.
One of my Canadian buddies is flying in tomorrow, she had been struggling about what job to take and in what country, to the level of self abuse. She even continued to over think her recent decision to stay in
After 17 years of floating, it still amazes me how a simple hour of buoyant silence can reset our brain out of mega grumpiness.
Once called sensory deprivation tanks, then floatation tanks and now perhaps de-grumpy tanks, a new name for an old school solution.
I too noticed that a once a week float helps me with my grumpiness and PMS. It also makes me realize that I need to slow down and appreciate the people in my life.
OK....so I just spent 4 days in the Bay area and had the opportunity to have a couple of great floats while there.
Being able to clear my mind and body of the stress of the past few months has left me feeling lighter, more focused and with a profound sense of 'letting go' of the negative.
The effects are lasting and even now when in the shower I close my eyes and let my mind float to the solace of the tank.
Thank you Float and thank you Allison and Fil.
I wrote a lot about my first float in the tank on my blog I really appreciated the service and that they went out of their way to help me with a ride.
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