The Float Center
1091 Calcot Pl., Ste. 116, Oakland, 510-535-1702, TheFloatCenter.com |
Stressed — us? The electronic workplace — the paperless office — was going to end all that, wasn't it? Remember when the Internet was supposed to make work obsolete? Okay, the future was way oversold, and now instead we're all prey to Madison Avenue 24/7/365, and right on track for the chummy billboards of Minority Report, and Too Much Information. Flotation is one solution; it's the modern equivalent of the monastic retreats of the early Christian Desert Fathers — except that we don't have to live in a cave or hole (like Terry Jones' jumping gymnosophist in The Life of Brian) — just spend an hour in body-temperature saline water and silent darkness every now and then. Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST), to use its original designation, vanquishes stress and increases alpha-wave activity and endorphin levels (relieving chronic pain); it improves blood circulation, energy, and concentration; it also detoxifies the body and lowers blood pressure. The Float Center features a professionally curated art gallery as well (co-owner Alison Walton is an artist), by the way, with colorful, intriguing contemporary paintings and sculptures, so your eyes will get a treat both before and after tank time.
It’s not really Alpha, unless you’re playing with a robot in the gallery. But in the sensory deprivation tanks / Floatation tanks.... it’s all about Theta waves, Choose double dip on the endorphins with a deep tissue massage in our urban art space.
EBX is an amazing local paper, and great supporter. We love that their elite team selected us for this honor. Here’s to floatation therapy becoming the next best local artistic chill!