There are few experiences more relaxing than floating in a pool of water. The Float Center in Oakland, CA is a place where you can experience the calming, creative effects of floating- in a safe, supportive environment. Allison Walton, owner of The Float Center says, "Resting your brain to a 10% processing level is an amazing tool."
The idea behind floating came from neuroscientist Dr. John Lilly in the 1950s. Floating tanks were originally named "sensory deprivation tanks" or "isolation tanks," and they were meant to create a perfectly quiet, relaxing environment in order to promote healing of various physical and mental issues. Floating is known to create an unparalleled level of relaxation and reduces feelings of anxiety and fear.
Walton opened up The Float Center after a vacation in Europe. "I realized there was an absence of float centers in the US," she says. "And it seemed odd since floating was created here. So I believed it was only a matter of time that this would change in our crazy, high stress culture we live in."
The idea behind floating is that, with sensory deprivation, your brain becomes more active. Imagination and problem-solving abilities increase dramatically. Walton says that, "In nine years of operations, every artist, writer and musician that has come to us with a creativity block has busted through it in a single float."
The Float Center also considers itself an "urban art spa" that is committed to a constantly changing art space that showcases the works of both established and emerging local artists.
The Float Center has a staff with over 30 years of flotation therapy experience, and they can answer any questions you may have about sensory deprivation, float tanks or the art hanging in the gallery.
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