Kelly Vogel at Float: Best Drug-Free Altered Stat
Sometimes other people are just too much to bear. And it's always their fault, isn't it? The guy at the liquor store forgets to stock your brand of cigarettes. Some yuppie in a fancy car nearly runs you off the road. Your manager fires you, your landlord evicts you, your friends diss you. Don't you wish you could just make them all disappear for a while? Well, if you've ever seen the movie Altered States, you know all about sensory deprivation chambers, those weird water tanks psychology students use to study brain chemistry and sleep cycles. In a deprivation chamber you are utterly alone. Your body is suspended in warm water, your ears are submerged so you can't hear a thing, and it's totally dark, odorless, and soundproof. The entire world melts away, and you're left with raw brain waves. Outside of a ketamine trip, it's the most detached experience humanly possible. Lose yourself at Float, then, an art gallery with a room full of deprivation tanks.